Do you care about social justice? Does the excessive judiciarization of homeless people worry you? Do you feel like giving some of your time to an organization dedicated to support them with their legal situation? Do not look any further! The Clinique Droits Devant invites energetic and motivated people to become members of their general assembly.

The Clinique has three types of members: user members (who used the Clinique’s services), partner members (who officially represent an organization or institution) and individual members. To become a member, you must simply adhere to the Clinique’s mission and fill out the form that is found on our website at There are no fees attached, but donations are welcome.

Being a member in the context of the annual general assembly allows you to:

  • receive notice of the assembly;
  • decide on the board of directors’ propositions;
  • express yourself and make your own propositions;
  • ratify changes to general regulations;
  • appoint the auditing company;
  • approve changes to letters patent;
  • receive financial statements;
  • receive the board of directors’ annual report;
  • elect its administrators and even present your candidature (with a motivation letter);
  • decide on the merger or dissolution of the organization;
  • sanction the board of director’s work.

Furthermore, the Clinique sometimes needs volunteers on regular and sporadic bases, to help on certain files and committees (financing, human resources, promotion and visibility, etc.) or to organize certain activities (10th anniversary, fundraisers, etc.).

Do you have everything it takes to become a member and want to experience what it’s like to be a part of our young organization? Contact our director at or just drop by at the next annual general assembly.

Becoming a member of the Clinique Droits Devant allows you to receive notice of annual assemblies, to attend these assemblies and to vote. Members are eligible for the title of administrator of the Clinique, a position filled by election during the general assembly.

Mission: The Clinique Droits Devant’s mission is to help people who have lived, are currently living or are at risk of living homelessness to regularize their legal situation, which hinders their personal development. The Clinique offers information, referral and court accompaniment services throughout the penal and criminal procedures in order to facilitate people’s rights and recourses. It also has a role in training and raising awareness among its community and legal partners.